AVID and AVID Excel


The purpose of AVID (Grades 7 and 8) is to prepare students for success in high school and college. The course has strict qualifying standards and helps students by teaching study and organization skills, strengthening writing skills, providing tutorial help via college tutors, building leadership potential, teaching students to work collaboratively, and providing kids a glimpse at college applications and college life.  Guest speakers share their secrets to success, and students tour Bay Area colleges.  This is a class that will most definitely set students on a successful path.

AVID Excel

AVID Excel works by accelerating language acquisition, developing literacy, and placing AVID Excel students on the path to high school AVID and college preparatory coursework. Emergent multilingual students (long-term English language learners) indicate that they want to go to college, but without a structured way for teachers and schools to address their specific needs, these students experience gaps in their academic preparation that stop them from entering a college preparatory course of study.