The Crew

Safe and Enriching Care 

The Crew is a high quality, district-run childcare program that is conveniently located right on our school campus. 

The Crew is where middle school students can relax, listen to music, play video games, table games and receive homework help in a safe and fun place. Students have computer access, enjoy a daily snack, and participate in a variety of recreational activities, video games, games & tournaments, and much more!  Students participate in STEAM, Health and Fitness and Service Learning Clubs weekly as well. These clubs help to promote their exploration into STEAM, develop healthy living skills and learn how important the 41 Developmental Assets play in developing who they are.

We take the worry out of childcare by providing a safe and nurturing place for students. Our programs are offered after school hours, and are open on teacher in-service days (offsite), and summer. [Learn More

More Questions?

Call 408-364-4200 ext. 6378, ext. 6204 for Spanish

or contact your site's after school manager.


Site Manager: Tanner Marcoida
Site Phone: (408) 364-4200 ext 5093

Work Cell: (408) 641-1824