
Subcommittee: Facilities & Technology

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

Subcommittee: Diversity & Inclusion

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Monroe Middle PTA - General Board Meeting

Monroe Middle PTA Fundraiser at South Winchester BBQ

Family Meal Fundraiser at Tony & Alba's Pizza and Pasta:

Family Meal Fundraiser at Tony & Alba's Pizza and Pasta:

Monroe Middle PTA Goodwill Donation Drive

Family Meal Fundraiser at Tony & Alba's Pizza and Pasta:

Monroe Middle PTA Goodwill Donation Drive

Daylight Saving Time starts

Monroe Middle PTA at Chipotle - Bascom

T2 Progress Reports Go Home

Monroe Middle Family Meal Fundraiser at World Wrapps

AVID High School Awareness Night

T2 Report Cards Go Home

T3 Progress Reports Go Home

Grades Close for T2 Progress Reports

Grades Close for T3 Progress Reports

Family Night Ericks DeliCafe of Campbell

T3 Grades Close for 8th grade Students

T3 Report Cards Go Home

Grades Close for GR 6 and 7

AVID High School Awareness Night

Diversity and Inclusion in Student Learning Board Subcommittee Meeting

Facilities and Technology Subcommittee (at Forest Hill)

PTA Mendocino Farms Meal Night

Tech Help

Art, Innovation, & Music Showcase

Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. Preformance

Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. Preformance

Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. Preformance

Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. Auditions

Subscribe to the school newsletter

Independence Day holiday

8th Grade Vision and Hearing Screening

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Hazards of Youth Vaping - Gr 4-8 Parent Info

Building Math Mindsets at Castlemont!

Tech Help

Deadline: In-service Day Camp Reg

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Independence Day holiday

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Labor Day (schools closed)

Veterans Day (schools closed)

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (schools closed)

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

Board Mtg. - Annual Organization of the Board

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Martin Luther King Jr. holiday (schools closed)

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