Volunteer at School

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Monroe Middle School! Our school can always use a helping hand. Here are just a few ideas of the kind of roles we need on a regular basis:

  • Office aides (copying, sorting, etc.)
  • Field Trip chaperones
  • School garden helpers
  • Campus Collaborative Members
  • Superintendent Parent Advisory
  • Yard Duty helpers

Please contact our office staff for information about volunteer positions that are available.

Signing Up to Volunteer

This packet with the livescan form is for parents who will be alone with students (overnight field trips, field trips where they will be alone with children and no staff overseeing them, support with small groups in an area which is not supervised by a staff member, etc.)

 This packet with no livescan is for all volunteers which will be under supervision by a staff member, for example, small groups within the classroom under teacher supervision, yard duty with other support staff overseeing them (they would not supervise the restrooms), reading in the classroom, any type or volunteering where they will be overseen by staff.

You can also check our PTA website to view and register for upcoming opportunties.

School Office: 408-556-0360
Email: contact@campbellusd.org
