Monroe Middle School

Get Your Yearbook!!!

The yearbook staff (of two parents) is working hard on completing this year's book.  It will be published on June 24th so June 23rd will be the last day you can include your book in the group order.  NOTE: If you purchase AFTER the publish date, you will automatically be charged extra to have the book shipped.  In fact, I believe you can order previous years as well.

Here is the QR code to purchase the book: 

Or you can use the link- (the passcode is part of the link 1013402154572370)

Also, the yearbook is now being completed by parents through the PTA and the Activities Director will facilitate its completion.  In order for this to happen, we will need more parents.  It's actually quite easy and you can complete pages throughout the year (and at home).  We will kick off sales and have parents sign up to help in September.  If you are interested in being a part, contact me at tparrott [at] and we will give you information in the fall.  If we don't have parent help in this, we won't have a yearboook.  There will be a variety of ways to help.

NOTE: If you have signed a "No photo" form then your child's photo WILL NOT be included in the yearbook.  These forms cover anything at Monroe which includes the yearbook.

Yearbooks will be delivered around the middle of July.  Once they arrive, I will have one or two pick up dates/times and will let those who purchased know.  if you are unable to get a book on those dates, they will be available for pick up when the office opens the second week of August.

Have a great summer but don't forget to get that yearbook!!!

Miss Parrott