Monroe Middle School

Students’ Online Safety is a Family Affair 

 Home Internet filters are your defense year round. District-owned student devices to be disabled this summer. 

This summer, we encourage parents and caregivers to ramp up supervision of their children’s online interactions. When school is in session, our computer devices have multiple layers of online security. During summer break, or when students are not using a school-issued device, internet safety must rely on security features available in their home.

This summer: 

  • Students will be able to use their school accounts to log into Clever and other familiar applications used at school, but district filters will not be active. Online filtering will depend on what the family has at home.
  • The take-home Chromebooks, assigned to students in grades 6-8, will be disabled during the summer break. They will be re-enabled in time for the new school year, which begins August 21st.

Please note that Gaggle, one of our district’s online student safety management systems which reviews student-generated documents for words and phrases that trigger a concern for student safety, will not be active during the break.

We encourage parents and guardians to always be vigilant and actively supervise their children's online activities. Together, we can foster responsible digital behavior, maintain open communication, and ensure a safe and healthy online experience for children.

Resources for Parents

Surgeon General’s May 2023 Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health highlights the potential harm social media can have on young people's mental health. The advisory suggests that parents and caregivers can take steps to protect their children, such as establishing tech-free zones, foster in-person relationships, teaching responsible online behavior, modeling good behavior, and reporting problematic content and activity.

Tips for Family Supervision and Parental Control

The nonprofit Common Sense Media offers a multitude of resources and information to help families navigate the benefits and pitfalls of screen time and social media use. Parents and caregivers may find the following articles helpful.