Monroe Middle School

Record Attendance at Monroe's Fall Fun Friday Event

The activity kick-off was the first student event of the year.

On Friday, September 27, Monroe hosted the Fall Fun Friday. There were lots of activities and snacks such as a game truck, sports, Kona Ice, hot dogs, candy and much more. The photo booth was a big hit.  Arianna C. shared, “I really enjoyed taking photos with my friends.” Another student, Tyler R. liked the variety of food. “I thought the options they had for the snacks were really good.”

Students also enjoyed playing volleyball in the gym. There were many people playing, and lots of other students joined, even if they had never played before.

The Fall Fun Friday had one of the highest number of students attending. According to Ms. Parrott, the Activities Director, there were 244 tickets sold which was almost 100 more than any other activity night or dance that Monroe has hosted. Students shared that they are excited to attend the next activity night in February.


Student Writer-Gunnar T. /Student Editor- Gowra T.