Monroe Middle School

Monroe's Club Rush Days Promote Participation in School Community

Club Rush was held on September 19th and 20th during lunch.

Club Rush was held at lunch and students were able to meet club sponsors, ask questions and sign up.  There were 14 clubs represented this time and many students came out to see them.   "The turn out was great.  There were so many students asking questions," shared Ms. Ida, the Monroe MTSS staff leader.  Sixth grade student, Natalie C. liked the variety of clubs that were available.  "There were so many cool clubs that I couldn't decide.  I finally joined Ms. Wyrick's Muddy Buddy Garden Club."

Dean of Students, Laura Ochoa headed up this year's Club Rush.  "This was the largest number and most diverse group of clubs that we have had so far.  It's been exciting to see staff and community members step up and sponsor clubs."  Clubs meet once a week at either lunch or after school.  Students that want to join a club can talk to the club sponsor, Ms. Ochoa or Ms. Ida.  A club list is posted on the bulletin board by the staff room.