Monroe Middle School

SBAC Testing: May 2- May 17

SBAC Testing Schedule: May 2- May 17

SBAC Testing Reminders

In preparation for SBAC testing please remind your students of the following:

  • Charge their Chromebooks the night before all testing days
  • Get a great night sleep 
  • Eat a healthy breakfast or snack 
  • Arrive on time and prepared 
  • Remind your student to take their time
  • Embrace a positive attitude "I can, I will" in line with the CUSD Profile of a Graduate competencies.
  • Parents/ Families encourage students to do their best and provide words of encouragement and a hug as this can be a very anxious time. 

We look forward to a great SBAC administration and  most importantly look forward to all the student learning growth of our students through these statewide assessments.